Equipo directivoManagement Team World

Dr. h .c. Christian W. HuemischDr. h. c. Christian W. HuemischDirector GeneralCEO

Experto en Ingeniería Industrial, Construcción y Proyectos de Infraestructura, con más de 20 años de experiencia en Servicios Financieros. info@ssh-capital.comExpertise in Industrial Engineering, Construction, and Infrastructure Projects, coupled with over 20 years of Financial Services experience. Mobil: +49 172 2848272 ch@ssh-capital.com

Omar TikailCOO (Chief Operating Officer)

(BBA) Bachler degree in business admiration, (FCCA) Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant, (MBA) UK- Oxford Institute of International Finance Mobile: +966 50 5539182 omar.tikail@ssh-capital.com

Mr. Abdullah A. NaseerConsultant for Jeddah-KSA

Mobile: +966 5505665257 aan.naseer@gmail.com

Mr. Dennis RimitaMain partner in Africa/Bank Sector

Mobile: +254725711873 dennis@terden.org

Mr. Patrick NgureMain partner in Africa/Bank Sector

Mobile: +254722570068 Patrick@terden.org

Ms. Terry WafulaMain partner in Africa/

Mobile: +254721564866 terry@terden.org


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