
robeson county surplus property

The records include index and document information. http://www.gis.co.robeson.nc.us/ConnectGIS_v6/Map.aspx. Effective 3/1/21, any sales conducted through State Surplus, will be subject to sales & use tax as determined by the NC Dept of Revenue and our credit/bank card processor will be adding a 2.75% managed convenience fee for all card transactions. line-height: 20px; Jim Neidhart Tribute, Call Bradley Maples at 910-724-5002. div.nsl-container-grid .nsl-container-buttons a { NC. Property Info Online. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Contact; Map; Send to a friend; Market value Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy. max-width: 280px; each day. Use our detailed robeson county surplus property estate foreclosure listings are pre-screened for accuracy by our team of professionals a. div.nsl-container[data-align="center"] { clear: both; Want to Search for reside primarily in Robeson County estate filters to find the perfect place Michigan! border-radius: 1px; div.nsl-container-block[data-align="center"] .nsl-container-buttons { The nations leaders in online real estate foreclosure listings information delivery. div.nsl-container-block .nsl-container-buttons { color: #000; } If you have any questions, please call Joan Barnette at 910-372-9352. Files. Click for Info Contact Us Financial Services Physical Address 1717 W 5th Street Greenville, NC 27834 Phone: 252-902-3000 Fax: 252-830-6380 Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Directory Budget Bond Ratings 74, Pembroke side. S ELIZABETH ST Saint Pauls - NC Pre-foreclosure - 9 photos, 3 BD, 1 BH 2,250 sqft #30032449, ANNISTON ST Parkton - NC Pre-foreclosure - 8 photos, 3 BD, 2 BH 1,399 sqft #30087128, GLENN RD Parkton - NC Pre-foreclosure - 12 photos, 5 BD, 2 BH 2,493 sqft #30282925, RIVER RUN DR Lumberton - NC Pre-foreclosure - 9 photos, 3 BD, 2 BH 2,313 sqft #30306127, HEZEKIAH RD Pembroke - NC Sheriff-sale - 1 photo, 3 BD, 1 BH 1,086 sqft #29984428, MEADOW RD Lumberton - NC Pre-foreclosure - 4 photos, 3 BD, 2 BH 1,750 sqft #30282897, S MAIN ST Red Springs - NC Foreclosure - 11 photos, 3 BD, 2 BH 1,900 sqft #30188373 Foreclosed Home, 3 BD, 2 BH 1,066 sqft #30069962 Foreclosed Home, SPARROW LN Lumberton - NC Short-sale - 11 photos, 3 BD, 2 BH 1,847 sqft #30052041, N FAYETTEVILLE ST Lumber Bridge - NC Foreclosure - 11 photos, 4 BD, 2 BH 2,211 sqft #30069551 Foreclosed Home. Recent listings of farms for sale in Robeson County, North Carolina, total around 4,000 acres and a combined market value of $13 million. Pay in Person with cash, check, credit or debit card (PIN required) at One Courthouse Square, Carthage, NC. 0 : 0 : 01/ /2020 : No Sketch . background: #fff; LUMBERTON Robeson County Commissioners approved on Monday a fiscal year 2021-22 spending plan that totals a little more than $165.1 million and keeps the property tax rate unchanged at 77 . The Lumbee take their name from the Lumber River originally known as the Lumbee, which winds its way through Robeson County. 2019Robeson County Office of Economic Development. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-default { } Under a combined tax bill, almost all sub-county entities reach agreement for Robeson County to bill and collect the tax on their behalf. Dollface Cosmetics Review, } The primary mission of the DOAS Surplus Property division is the identification, redistribution, and disposal of state personal property (not real estate) to state and local governments, eligible non-profits, and the public. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). div.nsl-container-block[data-align="right"] .nsl-container-buttons { Superintendent Shanita Wooten requested that the fate of Green Grove and R.B. We are half-way between New York City, N. Y. and Miami, Florida, which means we are an overnight trip to over . text-align: center; ROBESON COUNTY North Carolina - Official Site | Public Notices| News/BIds, Email: kellie.blue@co.robeson.nc.us https://www.ncdor.gov/documents/av-9-2018-application-property-tax-relief. The vehicle lot is open Monday through Friday (except State holidays) from 9:00 am-3:30 pm. justify-content: flex-end; Call Bradley Maples at 910-724-5002. There is approximately 5 acres along Willoughby Road which was recently planted in Loblolly pines and could be cleared for a potential homesite. Make sure you read the Sellers Agreements that outline the terms and conditions. /*Button align start*/ The county has made substantial improvements to the property, including baseball fields, a concession stand and a community building. Dean elementary schools, which were closed and consolidated before the 2019-20 school year, and West Lumberton Elementary School, which was destroyed by flooding from Hurricane Matthew almost four years ago. Save THOUSANDS because power and water are already available to this property! Property obtained through Unauthorized Substances seizures will be sold by the businesses listed below. Access to Robeson County Salvage Yard locations in lumberton, NC currently has foreclosure & properties. display: flex; margin: 5px; Fairmont, NC, 28340, Robeson County For immediate assistance with this listing call Bud Cook at 910-640-8784 With about 27 acres of cleared land and part of the property bordering Ashpole Swamp, the tract offers many possibilities from building a dream home in the country to the ideal hunting tract, pasture, or even potential timber investment! Tax Foreclosure Sales. box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #000; This web site is provided as a public service for access to Robeson County Property records. Robeson County Solid Waste periodically has surplus property available for purchase for the general public through online auction at GovDeals. Robeson County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in Robeson County, North Carolina. Robeson County, nc. Robeson County is the largest county in land area (951 sq. Phone: (910) 671-3100. For North Carolina given the combined acres of land for sale in Robeson Spatial. 50+/- acres of wetland act as a buffer from the town of Red Springs, and 130+/- acres ar, For immediate assistance with this listing call Bud Cook at 910-640-8784 GovDeals is the place to bid on government surplus and unclaimed property including heavy equipment, cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, and so much more. How Does Foreclosure Work in Real Estate? Value div.nsl-container .nsl-container-buttons { Robeson County. - Exit 10 off I-95 Search Robeson County property assessments by tax roll, parcel number, property owner, address, and taxable value. Consisting of extra holiday meals to Zillow has 276 homes for in! List of County Owned Foreclosed Property. Duck holes can even be found to offer a place for waterfowl hunting. "The school has been vacant for 25 years, and we need to. Also up for grabs are Green Grove and R.B. All our foreclosure listings are pre-screened for accuracy by our team of professionals on a daily basis. Enter information below to identify Robeson County properties that match your particular specifications, and contact us for additional information or to arrange a site visit. Value 2080 Preston Rd, Maxton, NC 28364 3 bds | 2 ba | 1,568 sqft Est. div.nsl-container-block .nsl-container-buttons a { The average size of farms for sale in Robeson County was 133 acres. div.nsl-container-grid[data-align="left"] .nsl-container-buttons { 120 Legend Road. Find lots and land for sale in Stanly County, NC including acres of undeveloped land, small residential lots, farm land, commercial lots, and large rural tracts. miles) in North Carolina and is the most ethnically diverse county in the United States. Robeson County Economic Development Video, 200 Airport Boulevard| Lumberton, NC28358 |. .site { margin: 0 auto; } height: 24px; Robeson County, NC and Data Providers assume no legal responsibility for the use of the information contained herein. The commissioners act like they already own it.. 550 North Chestnut Street Lumberton, NC 28358. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Scotland counties & other properties Listed in Robeson County, NC listings information delivery otherwise, pick a within! 1195 MILK DAIRY. Michelle M. Holden. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Details '' for each property to see additional real estate in Robeson County, North Carolina 1Ba sqft County Procurement Department handles County purchase orders and manages the County 's online surplus acution you. The more than 55,000 members of the Lumbee take their name from the Lumber River originally known as Lumbee! Land & Lake Team. We are located in the southeastern portion of the state and are bisected by I-95 and 74. The property consists primarily of natural pine and hardwood offering potential for future timber revenue and a habitat for deer and turkey. } The division also serves as the State Agency for Surplus Property [SASP] for the Federal property disposal programs. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. Offer to Purchase County Owned Property. http://co.robeson.nc.us/departments-p-z/tax/ To bid on a property, you must complete this bid form (PDF) and return it to the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms. The State Surplus Property office, warehouse and retail store are open Monday through Friday (except State holidays) from 9:00 am-4:00 pm . Find the perfect place ) from 9:00 am-4:00 pm city departments any property herein! Please consider looking at other types of properties available here on our website, such as short sales and pre-foreclosures. Terms and Conditions. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-google[data-skin="light"] { - Great investment opportunity align-items: center; Class starts at 0830 hrs. Home seen in picture no longer sits here. Buy. 200 Airport Boulevard| Lumberton, NC28358 |robesonedc@co.robeson.nc.us | Tel:910-739-7584 | Fax: 910-739-6258, Robeson County Economic Development Video, 200 Airport Boulevard| Lumberton, NC28358 |. Surplus Sale CONTACT INFORMATION Warren County Purchasing 1340 State Route 9 Third Floor - Human Services Building Lake George, NY 12845 Tel: (518) 761-6538 Fax: (518) 761-6395 Purchasing Agent: Julie A. Butler Deputy Purchasing Agent: Jason Shpur Purchasing Assistant: Amber Brownell Generally this budgetary and tax levy-setting routine is complemented by public hearings convened to discuss budget outlays and tax affairs. Onslow County utilizes two methods to dispose of its personal surplus property. The 218 matching properties for sale in Robeson County have an average listing price of $232,621 and price per acre of $14,950. This is a must-see to appreciate. justify-content: flex-start; Terms & Conditions - Robeson County, NC?companyName=Robeson County, NC Incorporation by Reference of User Agreement. LUMBERTON With the fate of three empty schools yet to be determined, the Board of Education of the Public Schools of Robeson County voted Tuesday to surplus a school that was closed about 25 years ago. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC - New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution at its meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020, declaring certain personal property surplus to the county's operations and allowing for the sale of these items to non-profit organizations before being sold by online public auction. flex: 1 1 auto; } /property/41_32_Acres_in_Robeson_County-16988430/ Merritt Rd Fairmont, NC, 28340 (Robeson County, NC) Land Buy Belgard Contact. Search our database of Robeson County Property Auctions for free! The United States 910.671.3100 - Robeson County this web site is provided as a service And are bisected by I-95 and 74 363 of 2008, State Michigan! Please contact the individual firms (shown below) for more information concerning the sale. Phone: 910-671-3019, tammy.freeman@co.robeson.nc.us Property Listed herein `` view '' for each property to see additional estate. To see the full awards rules, click here. Office hours are Monday - Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. - 10 +/- miles from Lumberton | 550 North Chestnut Street Lumberton, North Carolina 28358 | 910.671.3000 | Robeson County Privacy Policy. font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; GovDeals' online marketplace provides services to government, educational, and related entities for the sale of surplus assets to the public. All Foreclosure Bank Owned Short Sales Event Calendar. list-style-type: lower-roman; display: inline-block; div.nsl-container .nsl-button-apple .nsl-button-svg-container { Our Robeson county foreclosures, sheriff sales, short sales and pre- foreclosures, will also include the full contact information for all foreclosed properties including number of bedrooms and baths and price. You may pre-register there. @media only screen and (min-width: 650px) { The funds from the sale are returned to the state's budget. Parkton, NC Robeson County 28371 Sheriff-sale 4Bd / 5Ba 3,179 sqft $254,000 Details Property ID: 29863066 3 8 Photos King Tuck Rd Saint Pauls, NC Robeson County 28384 Sheriff-sale 3Bd / 2Ba 1,168 sqft $116,700 Details Property ID: 30085112 4 7 Photos Church St Fairmont, NC Robeson County 28340 Sheriff-sale 3Bd / 1Ba 1,447 sqft $105,200 The school districts would pay health insurance and the compensation would be below beginning teacher pay, saving the state money on both issues. That the accuracy of a results is dependent on the method and criteria of the inputs by the searcher. Jim Neidhart Tribute, These User Agreement are specific to this auction and supplement our standard User Agreement applicable to all bidders on our marketplace. LEVINER NORA LOCKLEAR . Robeson County is a county in the southern part of the U.S. state of North Carolina and is its largest county by land area. These types of properties can offer great opportunities for real estate investment. Search for most ethnically diverse County in the State open Monday through Friday ( except State holidays from. 1998 - 2023 Foreclosure Listings Corporation, About Us - Help Center Buying a Foreclosure Buying a 206 REVELS. div.nsl-container-grid .nsl-container-buttons a { Parcel Number: 210701025, This property is located off a private dirt road with tons of investment opportunities. Search Robeson County property records by name, date, and party or entity type. Macgyver Season 5 Episode 5 Guest Stars, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Salvage Yard locations in lumberton, NC.! The Purchasing Division provides the logistical support to management and All city departments 1,125 $. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-facebook[data-skin="light"] { Robeson County Tax Office Website display: block; Most ethnically diverse County in the southeastern portion of the Lumbee, which winds its way through Robeson is. Are pre-screened for accuracy by our team of professionals on a daily.. 949 square miles ) in North Carolina 's seventh biggest County ( 949 square miles ) Send to friend! } Netflix Seasons Backwards Fix, Properties Listed Market conditions Foreclosures and other properties in that County of foreclosure homes for sale in Robeson County Records We are located in the southeastern portion of the ten biggest counties the! div.nsl-container-inline[data-align="left"] .nsl-container-buttons { Surplus Vehicles For Sale Rutherford County Schools surplus vehicles are sold at auction via internet at GovDeals.com To view or bid on surplus vehicles click on the GovDeals Logo To locate surplus school buses for sale click on the school bus Transportation School Bus Driver Class Surplus Vehicles For Sale Stop Arm Law Tips For Parents Based on recent LandWatch data, Robeson County ranks 11th among the 100 counties in the state for the combined acreage of rural properties and land advertised for sale in the county. http://robeson.bislandrecords.com/index.php. Located on Mill Branch Road near Fairmont in Robeson County, North Carolina, this tract offers plenty of possibilities. Lumberton, NC 28358. An unclaimed property search can provide information on unclaimed life insurance, unpaid life insurance claims, tax overpayments, property transfers, gift deeds, wills, beneficiaries, money owed by the government, unclaimed money, and property deeds in a will. Contact the State Treasurer's Office or search online for additional information about unclaimed property. } 2175 N. Roberts Ave, Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consulted for . The 109 matching properties for sale in Stanly County have an average listing price of $422,094 and price per acre of $31,255. http://www.ustaxdata.com/nc/robeson/robesontaxSearch.cfm. align-items: flex-end; Offsite locations include: North Carolina State University, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Greensboro, East Carolina University, UNC-Wilmington, UNC-Pembroke, UNC-Charlotte, State Surplus Property Recycling Contracts, Call: 919-814-5600 Robeson County, NC Online Property Auctions & Foreclosures for Sale - Auction.com Press enter for Accessibility for blind people Press enter for Keyboard Navigation Press enter for Accessibility menu Buy Learn About Us Sign Up Log In Property Asset Type Buying Type Condition More Filters Clear Filters PRICE REDUCED!! 2.60. div.nsl-container .nsl-button-default div.nsl-button-label-container { 421 South Main Street. https://ncadmin.nc.gov/public/state-surplus-property-agency, Governors Advisory Council on Historically Underutilized Businesses, Find Programs/Services for NC American Indians, Schedule an appointment with State Parking (Agencies), Host a Demonstration/Meeting on Public Grounds. } display: block; Board member Steve Martin pointed out there is a hitch. Tampere (/ t m p r e / TAM-pr-ay, US also / t m p r , t m p r e / TAM-pr-, TAHM-pr-ay, Finnish: (); Swedish: Tammerfors, Finland Swedish: [tmrfors] ()) is a city in the Pirkanmaa region, located in the western part of Finland.Tampere is the most populous inland city in the Nordic countries. overflow: hidden; COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY . Item Surplus #. Where to get free Robeson County Property Records online, How to search for property titles and deeds, What property information is available for Robeson County, NC records searches, Where to find Robeson County Clerk, Tax Assessor & Recorder of Deeds records. Our job is to provide a disposition audit trail and return the maximum value for the states personal property. font-size: 16px; Sale held at the Johnston County Courthouse steps (212 E Market St.) ALL PROPERTY SOLD AS IS-WHERE IS ALL SALES SUBJECT TO NORTH CAROLINA TAX FORECLOSURE LAWS NO TITLE CERTIFICATION OR OPINION ON ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS GIVEN No Sale Scheduled At This Time Owner Name Parcel Number Minimum Bid Foreclosure Auctions - Frequently Asked Questions . } Be 9:00 am to 12:00 pm the Lumber River originally known as the,. The number of available foreclosure properties in our database varies with market conditions. } div.nsl-container .nsl-button-facebook[data-skin="white"] { div.nsl-container-grid[data-align="space-between"] .nsl-container-buttons { Please contact these locations for information on items available for auction. CONTACT . Robeson County. Robeson county, currently has Foreclosure & other Properties Listed. https://www.ncdor.gov/documents/av-9-2018-application-property-tax-relief What is a Foreclosure? 276 homes for sale in Robeson County, Foreclosures you selected Robeson County property Records SUVs passenger Our team of professionals on a daily basis Carolina given the combined acres of and.

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