lake waco murders blog

Then it happened again. This is for people who follow McLennan County Mugshots, and there are 10K followers, it's if you see someone on the mugshots you like you still have a chance. An anonymous letter has been sent to "Concerned Citizens" about the rampant spending and downright crooked dealings of our Sheriff and Continue reading SHERIFF MCNAMARA EXPOSED , For those of you who have, for the last 25 years, been hated and written about, AND your family members, with great glee by Tommy Witherspoon of the Waco Trib, it would seem the tables have turned and now, HIS son is in trouble, is he?, whoops, NO, he isn't. Yes, that's Harry, practically "elfed" by the huge water tower's interesting disguise. Like his brother, he received a term of life imprisonment in exchange for this confession. Stay tuned. Lake Waco is on the Bosque River just off Texas Highway 6. SHERRE BURGLARIZES PAW PAW FATTYS HOUSE ON SOUTH 3rd. Okay, buying a hooker is a crime, but, who the hell cares? Three Waxahachie teenagersRaylene Rice, Jill Montgomery, and Kenneth Frankswere murdered in Speegleville Park, near Lake Waco, on July thirteenth. DeAlan J. Adams a/k/a Chief Bank Security Officer DJ Adams @ TFNB | YOUR BANK FOR LIFE. On Harry's Wheel of Justice, we made room for a few more and sure enough, enter Naughty Jessica who goes to the scene of an accident Continue reading The part of Mystery Deputy is now being played by Jessica Prebosnyak , Captain Chris Eubank, Sherriff Par's favorite good ole boy, worked like crazy in September and somehow made it to Hamilton, Texas in a matter of minutes. Conflicting reports on whether or not it was one or Continue reading LISTEN TO HIGH SPEED CHASE!!!! By . , Well, your County is spending like a drunken sailor again. Not a Continue reading STEVEN DONALDSON UH OH AND LAST TXDOT INVOICE , Your "Sheriff for Life's" girlfriend "For Life", has TWO pending DWI's at the DA's office. In September that year, the investigation began to stall and was marked as "suspended." , Joseph Ballew, another double dipper and worst of all a dog teaser. Little kids doing something wrong and giggling? Belyeu v. State :: 1989 :: Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Decisions cases texas court-of-criminal-appeals Attys.,Waco, Robert Huttash, State's Atty., Austin, for the State. The Murders at the Lake - Texas Monthly True Crime The Murders at the Lake In 1982 a brutal triple homicide shook the city of Waco and soon became one of the most confounding criminal cases. , From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: friend noun To save this word, you'll need to log in.Log In\frend\ Essential Meaning offriend 1:a person who you like and enjoy being withI'd like you to meet myfriend. I've wanted a pony my entire life no gawddamned pony here. Got this today, it's bullshit. Criticism intensified after then Gov. Nov. 11, 2022. THEN, YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE, said oh yea, it was a mistake and we will get this fixed and "paid back", just a mistake, Continue reading SEE YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT COVER UP FOR YOURSELF , CAPTAIN CHRIS EUBANK IN HIS YOUNGER YEARS! which won the Edgar award in 1986. I was a little girl, I'd make pencil drawings of ponies, now this MAN gives people ponies and other animals if they're his friends. After he started cooperating with investigators and said he wanted to testify against Spence for embroiling him and his brother in the brutal crime, he passed polygraphs, Simons said. Not for the faint of heart: Waverly-Sr topples Williamsburg 75-66 You have to be certified as a peace officer to be Continue reading PAM WHITLOCK | MCSOS NEW JAIL MAJOR , Brad Sharps mother according to her captors, the Justices is fine, just fine. His Continue reading ABEL REYNA WAS NEVER WORRIED , 4. Lake Waco murders. A sleep deprivation study found that not sleeping for 17 hours impaired Continue reading Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Police Performance MICHAEL MILLER , So PREBOSNYAK time-cards shed new light As I was turning, the back end of my unit slid off the gravel road and into the ditch area. Latest posts , Well, well, you'd think that the sweet deal on selling those Louie purses and stuff would have taught little Miss Nikki Pittman, daughter of multiple DWI and friend of Abel, Kim Falcone a lesson. I don't like his looks and Continue reading WACOPEDIA: LOW SPERM COUNT . Can't hide. Small-Group Handmade Vintage Workshop in Waco - Tea Towels or Pillows. IF Continue reading A PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE FROM HARRY STORM , October 7, 2019 TFNB decided to put a branch of their bank in East Waco. Once ole Par, the idiot, showed it to the KWTX newsman he had to show it to everyone because he is just a fool. ADVANCED HOSTAGE RESCUE TRAINING DALLAS, TEXAS. Technically, it's been "solved"; however, it's widely speculated that LE put the wrong people in jail for the crime. January 10, 2023. This is one of Waco's most grisly murders. Since he's Parnell's lawyer too, we shouldn't be surprised Continue reading CITY OF ROBINSON FIGHTS TO KEEP RECORDS SECRET , I feel like Carrie at the prom waiting for the pig blood to fall on my head in buckets, this is the proudest moment I've had since fucking Parnell out of his Cameo on Yellowstone. He began his tenure as . Lake Waco has ten public boat ramps. Feazell said he has never doubted that his office prosecuted the right men. Well, it didnt, but what was significant to me was that they never submitted DNA from their own clients. This beautiful Art Deco building was built in 1930, and is well- maintained today. 11/10/2021 - FLEET ACCIDENT 09/24/2019 - FLEET ACCIDENT, THREE FOUR WISE MEN & A CAMEL.. Rebecca and the Camel Test Rebecca and the Camel Test - A Lesson in Giving - Biblical Women ( What is the punishment for forging documents? Anthony Melendez died in prison on January 13, 2017.[10]. Email. There's no end to it. The NCAA hopes a federal appeals court will block a lawsuit . A sad Palomino horse was rescued by our Sheriff's department. Thats the question! He quit or maybe he never even started but the money was spent still Continue reading PARNELL MCNAMARA: THE RECKONING , Parnell and Cody Blossman, cut from the same cloth? She got off this one too. YOU DON'T. Like that old man in a robe? So if you're Par's friend, or Continue reading DeAlan J. Adams a/k/a Chief Bank Security Officer DJ Adams @ TFNB | YOUR BANK FOR LIFE , Suddenly, and for no good reason whatsoever, a 56 year old, normal, hard working citizen just decides that drones are following him around so he goes to 608 and 620 Bosque Lane and shoots up the houses belonging to JAMES MICHAEL BEARD because he thinks the drones are being launched from these houses. 4,296 views Dec 8, 2018 THIS WEEK we are talking the triple homicide in waco, texas. You thought you destroyed another "disloyal" employee, didn't you Par? All three victims had been repeatedly stabbed, and both of the women's throats had been slashed. That's the question. We are the only place in the State that does not have body cams on deputies. So, what CAR was he doing security in? He introduced himself to her after the trial and they were married less than a year later. It was July 13, 1982, and though there had been plenty of violent incidents that year, this one was different. They know because the DPS letter saying the beautiful words about you being investigated by the TEXAS RANGERS went out to ALL of them individually, and on their FACEBOOK PAGE. Donaldson was put on suspension. MCSO Deputy James Robison, same deputy that hit and killed a pedestrian on May 7th. Enjoy. The 1982 Lake Waco Murders refers to the deaths of three teenagers near Lake Waco in Waco, Texas, in July 1982. Because she's a Badge Bunny, lots of those around, usually TV Reporters. Failure to pat down a suspect. INCIDENT ON SOUTH THIRD. STEPHANIE RENEAU LEAVES MCSO FOR JAIL STANDARDS COMMISSION, WHY DADDY PAR WONT GET BODY CAMS FOR THE BOYS, FINALLY A FRANK DISCUSSION OF HOW AND WHY ITS SO FD UP. Let's teach the kids to say that. Whi. Monthly subscription fee applies after. , So, did ole Dave Lacy tell Par he was a bit embarrassed over that $815K loan at 2% being all over the place and did Par then get his NEW BUDDY DAVE LITTLEWOOD and TFNB, HIS BANK FOR LIFE, to take THAT loan? Wonder how many times they forget this? People get tired of her shit. Its a great way to see the case the way Officer Simons did. Polls are Now Open for2021 CROOK OF THE YEAR AWARD, ( Ive felt responsible because I didnt call 911 immediately Continue reading SHERREMAIL: NOT SORRY EVERYONE ELSES FAULT. YOUR lawyer hasn't called my lawyer back either You can only USE and LIE to your friends in the BROTHERHOOD for so long. Let me give you one piece of advice, take the woman's gun away. They speculated that the other two victims had been murdered because they were witnesses. YOU may not like that it's racist but if you ever get out of town, please know, it's Continue reading RACIST RISSA SUCKS UP TO RACIST PARNELL , Tonight at six, the family of Kelton Hubert who lost his life in a high speed chase by Sheriff's deputy James Robison recently. [12] Three of the seven people who said Spence confessed later stated that Simons had offered them privileges to secure their testimony, including one that said he had fed her info on what to say. Both were sexually abused. that being said, here is the latest info, Continue reading DEPUTY DYNASTY EXPLAINED , Parnell's been messing with you, this running for sheriff over and over again ad nauseum, BULLSHIT! Fishermen found the bodies of the three teenagers at Speegleville Park on Lake Waco. Belton 57, Chaparral 30; No. Now that Chip Gaines is taking care of paying legal fees to Abel Reyna after Abels surprising and untimely loss, Continue reading MCNAMARA CAMPAIGN FINANCE , EACH AND EVERY PERSON ON THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE LIST Johnny Ash kissing his DA Abel enlisted Parnell's help on the rub and tug problem j Now that Chip Gaines is taking care of paying legal fees to Abel Reyna after Continue reading DOG DAYS OF ENABLERS AND CROOKS #9 , "Mr. Lucky", as he was known after the Supreme Court dropped "Mail Fraud" the very day his RICO case went to the jury, has been proven right on the famous Ranger case of ORANGE SOCKS from Georgetown, Texas. Ask yourself, "What would Yost do." THIS is the video from the gas station that night. Barry Johnson handing over his balls to Parnell at the Swearing In Continue reading ASK FOR AN AUDIT , What bullshit, Justice and Fairness for all? Guess they realize they're peeps are worried about FACEBOOK and what people can get via OPEN RECORDS. If you want to see Sherre's address etc. Imagine Par reprimanded Ballew for basically messing up a perfectly good dog, BUT, double dipping TXDOT well, that's otay. Aaah, I remember going to the Sheriff's department and asking them to take the Lillie Hefele case and make it a COLD CASE. Thank you to the people "not from here" who called MCSO and made this happen. Oh, disappeared, let's blame Barry for that. They all fear the wrath and desperation of our Sheriff for Life and his mini men. PAM WHITLOCK 2019 TIME CARDS & HIGHWAY GIG!! SHERREMAIL: NOT SORRY EVERYONE ELSES FAULT. The lake has seven boat ramps, excellent campsites with water, electricity, and dump stations available around the lake. . What the hell does it take? The recent "shoot em up" in McGregor, on Bosque Lane was bullet holes in two houses and a vehicle belonging to yet another neighbor. I'd say none. Can't wait to see the special treatment on this one!!! The police investigation and criminal trials that followed the murders lasted for more than a decade and resulted in the execution of one man, David Wayne Spence, as well as life prison sentences for two other men allegedly involved in the crime, Anthony and . Long range planner that one. Their experience is irreplaceable, well, unless you are the ruthless power couple of aging Waco, Continue reading CAPTAIN KAREN ANDERSON, NUMBER 3 , Major Ricky Armstrong retired early from the McLennan County Sheriff's department, Ricky was a Major and President of the Texas Jailer's Association. At the stroke of midnight, he called in over the radio as if to announce, "There is a new Sheriff in town!!" In 1991, Deebs appeal was granted when the Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that the testimony of a jail inmate should not have been allowed in his initial trial. Our beautiful RV Park sits alongside the shores of Lake Waco and is convenient for travels to the famous Magnolia Silos! Simons arrested Deeb initially because he learned that Deeb was going to return to Jordan. They are stealing her money and the money of others, including Marcus Shanks, making stem cell face cream at the BIG RED Bottling plant. But that following evening, their bodies would be discovered at a different park across the lake, and an intense investigation would begin. All three victims had been repeatedly stabbed, and both of the women's throats had been slashed. Things Not to do in a MINIVAN, By SAMMY BLANCO!! Killeen 1-5. Would you be an iddy biddy concerned that a 2% loan to said Sheriff, currently at a Save The Continue reading STEVE SORRELLS, OLE PAR, DAVID LACY & COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST , Scaramucci could wear a new "hat" instead of being a silly horny little girl, he can be anything from small terrier to a big ole dog Doberman now. THIS keeps Sheriff Yellowstone Chickenshit from having to FACE anyone, and since he has to announce, he can't let Cody or the Embalmer do it for him. So, after ruining the lives of Continue reading BULLSHIT RIDES AGAIN , July 12 What the hell just happened? Sworn to Vengeance [DVD] Robert Conrad (Actor), William McNamara (Actor), Peter H. Hunt (Director) Rated: Unrated Format: DVD 12 ratings IMDb 5.2/10.0 $4999 DVD $49.99 VHS Tape from $52.99 Additional DVD options Edition Discs Price New from Used from DVD August 24, 2021 1 $13.99 $13.97 $14.43 DVD June 20, 2006 1 $49.99 $49.99 $23.77 DVD For this. Nov 1, 2021. On March 17th., five days after the arrest of Sherre Johnston, Deputy Justin Richardson was Reprimanded after a COMPLAINT was filed against him by none Continue reading DEPUTY REMANDED FOR GUN , Uh oh, I got to looking at these three horses, obviously ready for transport, and I see 3. It happened in the city limits, right out of Koehne Park, three young teenagers brutally, brutally stabbed and raped. Well, we proved on Day 1 The Donkey Show, that Parnell had a donkey delivered to the Pleasant Valley Rest Home Continue reading IT JUST WANDERED UP. The book focused heavily on Truman Simons involvement in producing the evidence which led to the convictions. Deebs trial was moved to Johnson County, where he also received the death penalty. Simons later charged Deeb, whose business was faltering, with soliciting Spence to kill a teenager named Gayle Kelley. JEEEEEEZUSCHRISTONACUPCAKE. The bodies of three teenagers were found in a park by the lake, stabbed and beaten to death. However, both men were found to have credible alibis (Harper's was later proven false when Spence's attorneys investigated it). Did you know why his 57 year old wife and mother of his daughters drank herself to death over him? He must've pissed off some folks for sure! SHE says that she parked her car on a train track to commit suicide because she was so depressed because I wrote about her, that is not true, she was drunk, Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTON CEDAR PARK DWI VIDEO HIT BY TRAIN , Uh, oh, Sherre didn't get to photoshop herself in this one. Well, well, today Harry received 1,546 pages of Sheriff's Department Car Accidents. Like it that it seems everyone in the Courthouse knows Continue reading THE GROPING JUDGE PART 2? MCLENNAN COUNTY CITIZENS FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT MESSAGE, UPDATE!!! a deputy that I always thought was supposed to Continue reading A QUESTION FOR PAT MILLER , Obviously, the Sheriff's department is patrolling the City of Waco now and has been for a good while. I feel cheated. As more and more deputies get tired of having to prove loyalty to a morally bankrupt Sheriff and his henchmen, and prepare to leave, the jail problems persist. , Here are the records from AMBER AGUIRRE,who was a McLennan County Sheriff's Deputy until May 2021. He was already serving a 99-year sentence in the unrelated aggravated sexual assault case, and Feazell and his first assistant, Ned Butler, were intent on seeing Spence die by lethal injection. No big deal, just $7,700 to fix it. Notice how the deputy NEVER says HE hit her. This is new. CHAR, PAR, BECKY AND THE EMBALMER HEAD FOR THE MOUNTAINS, CAPTAIN Larry Hromadka SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT #4, MAJOR RICKY ARMSTRONG RETIRES FROM SHERIFFS DEPT, SHERRE JOHNSTON CEDAR PARK DWI VIDEO HIT BY TRAIN, WACO TRIBUNE HERALD LOSES ITS ASSHOLE, KWTX FINDS IT, SHERRE AND CHARLOTTE MAKE UP FOR THE CAMERAS, SHERRE JOHNSTON BOND REVOCATION TODAY AT 10, SHERRE JOHNSTON MYSTERY DRUNK IN WACO TRIB STORY, STEVEN DONALDSON UH OH AND LAST TXDOT INVOICE, TEXAS CIVIL RIGHTS PROJECT HITS POLLING PLACE ON BOSQUE, Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Police Performance MICHAEL MILLER. He happened to notice a young juror in the case, a first-grade teacher named Karen who had recently graduated from Baylor University. This MCLENNAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPUTY double dips, AND charges for the car AND the gas which, none of his other co-defendants/co-conspirators have done thus far. Two men had discovered the body of a young man lying at the foot of a tree. Countdown to the #1 CROOK OF THE YEAR. Does Sarah "mean it", we can tell John Erwin Jr sure does, but what about Sarah? Looking pissed off to me, little entitled thing. People naysaying the convictions found other suspects and submitted DNA. From July 13, 1982, until the present day, this case keeps appearing in the news. DETECTIVE REBECCA EUBANK shooting the Goose that laid the Golden Egg! Don't worry the County Commissioners just keep throwing money at the problem because, well, Continue reading Things Not to do in a MINIVAN, By SAMMY BLANCO!! HOW ABOUT A YARD SIGN FOR PAR OLE BUDDY???? Well, since there is a question as to whether or not the CITIZENS for CRIMINAL JUSTICE just may be operating from inside the SO, along with some very strange, somewhat threatening emails. Not fun when people hear and see you on tape, ask Sherre Johnston. Seems very entitled Nikki was arrested we Continue reading PITTMAN HITS THE POKEY 2 , Sunshine Conoley, imported by Par via Kilcrease to fk people. Besides with its sister site for Connections, it's hysterical. YEP, this is true, folks. Get real. Of course, it has to be that doggone Harry Storm, Bernadette Feazell. Lake Belton 2-4. FULL INTERVIEW: Attorney and former district attorney Vic Feazell. Because everyone is afraid of Abel Reyna in a courtroom, he's a powerhouse. . All went to their deaths proclaiming their innocence. I was recently on a jury with Josh as the defense Continue reading READERS SOUND OFF , Would the readers of this blog please go to the Facebook page of Josh Tetens for DA and let him know there is only ONE question for his candidacy. H Mclennan County Mugshots Missed Connections Continue reading MCLENNAN COUNTY MUGSHOTS MISSED CONNECTIONS LOVE LINE , You want to re elect this corrupt son of a bitch that all his employees hate??? I feel broken up with by text. DWI cause Joshie Baby here is going to just Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTONS 2022 ENDORSEMENTS , After numerous calls from voters who just aren't ready to go walk the cop gauntlet over at the Christian Church and Classic Car lot, the ACLU HIT TOWN. In 1982, three Texas teenagers went out to watch the sunset over Lake Waco and didn't come home by curfew. Ohmygawd, for none. Most people would refer to that as a BINGE, however Judge Vik and Continue reading DWI? You good Christians are certainly Continue reading SEXPESTWEST COMMENTS , Note: It is now almost 11:00 and I am still mad about West saying, "You stole from God", it makes as much sense as me saying, "God gave you the name "West" because it rhymes with "sex pest" just so you could be humiliated", which, frankly, I'm thinking right now because HERE the men will Continue reading JUDGE THOMAS SEX PEST WEST BEST TAKE A LOOK AT HIMSELF , Is that the Sheriff's cruiser right behind that car with its lights off??? Parnell McNamara has saved us, once again, from horn dog whore mongering citizens who didn't commit a crime, they just wanted to buy a hooker. Blood thicker than water? I screamed, then I listened to it. THE SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES IN MCLENNAN COUNTY DO NOT WEAR BODY CAMERAS A Continue reading KWTX FACEBOOK RACISM ON PARADE , Deputies no longer with the Sheriff's department, and jailers have written and told Harry that they have begged for cameras to protect themselves from accusations of racism and corruption only to find themselves being told by Big Dave Kilcrease, "Don't EVER even say the words, "body cams", as long as Parnell is Sheriff, there won't Continue reading WE BEGGED FOR BODY CAMS , Sheriff, state rep. defend All Lives Matter ads questioned by local leaders | Government | See Rissa Shaw of KWTX goad Parnell into saying "Play that funky music WHITE BOY", for the camera along with cheerleader Char. 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